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Travelocity - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get additional Travelocity deals with an account?

When you have a free account at Travelocity, you might be able to access better prices than without an account. That’s because the company often has to put some of its best deals behind a slight wall, so making an account allows you to gain access to those deals.

Does Travelocity have its own mobile app?

With the Travelocity mobile app, you can get Travelocity deals and coupons that you wouldn’t be able to find on the Travelocity website. To get the best discounts at Travelocity, make sure you download the mobile app.

Will booking a full vacation help me save more at Travelocity?

There are many Travelocity discounts you can only get if you book a Vacation Package. With a Vacation Package, you can book flights, hotels and cars through Travelocity.

Travelocity Info & Tips

Does Travelocity have flight options?

One of the main options available at Travelocity is a variety of flight options that you can look through. Not only are there straight-up flights available, but there are also flight bundles available that you can purchase to save even more. When you enter your travel information at Travelocity, you’ll be more likely to get great flight options.

Where are the best places to find Travelocity coupons?

Coupons and deals at Travelocity refresh regularly. The best way to maximize your coupons and deals at Travelocity is to check Savings.com. Before you go to checkout, you want to check Savings.com to find as many deals and discounts as possible, especially because you might be able to stack deals and coupons on your Travelocity purchase.

Is it possible to schedule cruises at Travelocity?

Even though flight trips are the most common types of travel to schedule at Travelocity, cruises are another option you might want to book through Travelocity. If you’re interested in going on a cruise, no matter where you want to go, where you want to depart, and what you want to do on your cruise, Travelocity can probably help you get a great deal. Just click on the “Cruise" option on the Travelocity website to input your information.

Does Travelocity rent cars?

You can actually rent cars through Travelocity as well, whether you need them for your traveling options or you need them all by themselves. If you’re interested in renting a car through Travelocity, just go through the “Cars" section to get more information about car rental opportunities.

Is there a Travelocity app?

There is an app you can download on iPhone and Android to book Travelocity trips on your phone. Not only will you get real-time notifications about flight statuses and gate numbers, but the Travelocity app will let you get mobile-exclusive offers and even an easier way to manage your bookings overall. Download it today to get even better Travelocity coupons and promos.

Did You Know?

The Travelocity motto is “Wander Wisely," and everyone who books at Travelocity definitely sees the impact of that motto. The company may have its headquarters in Dallas, Texas, but Travelocity is able to reach people all around the globe. As part of Expedia, which is a gigantic online travel company, you’re able to find connections with hotels, airlines, cruise lines and other travel options through Travelocity. It doesn’t matter where you’re planning to go, what you want to do, and what type of budget you have. Either way, Travelocity’s offbeat sense of style and high-energy character will make it your travel company of choice, whether you’re trying to travel domestically or internationally.

Guarantees at Travelocity help cover any problems that you might have. For example, the Price Match Guarantee, which is one of the most well-known guarantees it offers, makes sure you’re getting the best value for your money whenever you book on Travelocity. Just keep your eyes open for a better price for the exact same itinerary in the 24 hours after you make your booking. If you find it, you can submit it to Travelocity to receive a refund. Hotels actually allow you to request your price match up until midnight the day before your check-in. Guarantees also apply for canceled flights, overbooked hotels, mismatched rentals, and weather concerns. Just make sure you read the terms and conditions to learn more about these guarantees before you book a reservation.

There are many special deals you can always find at Travelocity. For example, you can always look at Last-Minute Offers to get discounts on hotels and flights that will depart in the next few days. With certain options for Hotels at $99 or Less and Flights Under $199, as well as vacation packages like Flight and Hotel Deals Under $400, you can make sure you’re getting the best deals on your travel plans. With so many different deals available on the Travelocity website and with Savings.com, there are many ways to find the right opportunity for your specific needs.

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