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Can I get ThriftBooks coupons for sharing ThriftBooks with a friend?

Do you want to share ThriftBooks with your friend? If so, you’ll love the referral program at ThriftBooks. With this referral program, you can give the gift of reading while also giving your friends a percentage discount on their first purchase. As a way to thank you for sharing ThriftBooks with the people in your life, ThriftBooks will also offer you extra ReadingRewards points. You can use this discount up to five times total.

Are there more ThriftBooks deals on the mobile app?

The ThriftBooks app makes it easier for you to shop for your favorite books. Whether you’re looking for new or used books, it’s much easier for you to shop because of the barcode scanner and ISBN options. That means you can price-shop to see what you’ll be able to get at ThriftBooks, even if you’re at a local bookstore. It’s available on iOS and Android.

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New customers can take advantage of a special ThriftBooks coupon, which may be a variety of different coupon types, depending on what ThriftBooks is offering. Just sign up for a new account on the ThriftBooks website, then make your first purchase within 14 days. To take advantage of this ThriftBooks coupon, consider holding off on creating your account until you’re ready to make your purchase so you don’t accidentally allow the new buyer coupon to expire.

ThriftBooks Info & Tips

How does shipping work at ThriftBooks?

The ThriftBooks shipping system is simple and easy to understand. Standard shipping to the United States takes 4-8 business days for used items and 8-12 business days for new items. Standard shipping is $0.99 for orders under $10, and you get free shipping on orders over $10. Two-day shipping is also available for a flat fee of $9.99. You can purchase all used books outside the United States as well; shipping may take up to 20 business days, and pricing and eligibility will be available at checkout.

Is there a ThriftBooks rewards program?

ThriftBooks ReadingRewards is an easy way to get the most out of all your ThriftBooks purchases. With this process, you earn points when you buy books, and you can turn those points into free books in the future. For every $1 you spend at ThriftBooks, you’ll earn eight points, or ten points if you’ve spent $100 or more in the past 12 months. Once you reach 500 points, redeem them on your next purchase to receive a $5 or less book for free.

Can I refer people to ThriftBooks for rewards?

Telling your friends and family about ThriftBooks is a great way to spread the word. For best results, use your personalized link to refer friends and family. They’ll get a discount on their first purchase through your link and you’ll also receive extra ReadingRewards points, which can get you to your free book even more quickly.

How do I make sure I’m buying ThriftBooks products at the best price?

  • Before you check out, always check to make sure you’re getting the best ThriftBooks coupons. You never know when you’ll find a brand new coupon you didn’t know about. Because ThriftBooks is so invested in ensuring that reading is as accessible as possible, it makes sense that the company would offer plenty of ThriftBooks coupon codes and promos. Always check before you finish your order.

  • The Teacher and Educator Discount is a great way to get discounts, especially on larger purchases. This discount is available on all used class sets, which you can create yourself by adding 20 or more applicable used books to your shopping cart. Then enter your ThriftBooks coupon code to gain access to the Teacher and Educator Discount. You don’t have to provide any information about your teaching credentials, making this great for homeschooling and other needs.

  • ThriftDeals is a great place to get classic used books. That’s because ThriftDeals offers a variety of great deals that are even better than other prices. This section gives you access to two books for $7, three for $10, four for $12, and additional books for $3 each. Look for the “Deal" tag on a book to get your books at a great price.

What is the ThriftBooks app?

With the ThriftBooks app, you can shop for books on the go. It allows you to gain access to all the benefits you’re used to from the website, including great prices on shipping and ThriftDeals, but you can also utilize the barcode scanner to find books more quickly. If you find a book you want to purchase, use the ThriftBooks app to scan the barcode and see whether it’s currently in stock.

Can I return ThriftBooks products?

Before you return anything you purchased from ThriftBooks, consider contacting the company to see if there’s anything else you can do to make things better. The company accepts returns within 30 days of placing the order. However, if you just want to return the product due to personal preference, restocking fees will be assessed. This may be as much as $7 per item if you purchased items from outside the United States, Canada or the UK.

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