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Audiobooks - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I purchase books from without a subscription?

Yes, you can purchase books at without a subscription. Visit the website to purchase books without a subscription — non-subscriber purchases are not available in the app.

Can I add a family member to my account?

Yes. offers a family plan option where you can add up to three family members. Each family member can download, borrow, and purchase books in their own queue.

Is or Audible cheaper? and Audible offer the same price for monthly basic subscriptions at $14.95. Each brand offers slight differences in its services: Audible offers one audiobook per credit, plus two borrowed audiobooks per month, while offers one audiobook per credit and one monthly borrowed audiobook. users can enjoy monthly book club access, making its credits more flexible, but Audible has a more forgiving return policy.

Do I own the books I buy with my credits even if I cancel my subscription?

Yes, the books you purchase with a monthly credit are yours for life.

Do my unused VIP selections carry over to the next month?

No, any unused VIP selections do not roll over to the following month. However, your monthly subscription credits roll over each month.

Can I keep the books I listen to in my book club?

No, you may sign up for an additional month of that genre book club and keep reading. Purchase a title with an credit or pay using a credit card to purchase book club titles.

How Do I Apply Promo Codes Online?

  1. Visit the website, and create a new account or sign in to your existing account.
  2. Visit to find an promo code to use for your transaction.
  3. Find the “Have a Promo Code?" box, and enter your promo code or gift code in the box.
  4. Click the “Apply Code" button, and your balance will be updated in your account.
  5. Complete your audiobook purchase as normal.

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